June 2024
VOS 2024 Spring Concert “Sanctuary” 「安穩的居所」
Sunday, June 9, 2024, | 7:30 pm
Evangelical Chinese Bible Church 5110 Marine Drive, Burnaby, BC
This concert featuring Joseph Martin “Sanctuary“, a cantata of Hope and Peace. The Living sanctuary is Jesus! Through Christ, we find our fortress of faith, everlasting love and peace.
Conductor: Kemuel Wong
Associate Conductor: Neville To
Piano: Susan Chan
VOS Chorus & Chamber Orchestra
VOS Chamber Singers
“Sanctuary”, A Cantata of Hope and Peace by Joseph Martin and other sacred choral selections sung in English and Chinese:
Lloyd Larson – “Lord You Have Been Our Dwelling Place”
Mary McDonald – “Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace”
Felix Mendelssohn – “Not Only Unto Him but to All of Them” from Paulus
J. W.Franck/arr. Carl Stein – O Jesus, Grant Me Hope and Comfort
Dan Forest – “Light Beyond Shadow”
David Yeung 楊伯倫 – ” The Mercy of Life” Series – God Hath Promised, Psalm 23, I Am With You
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
November 2023
Winter Concert “The Long-Expected Messiah” 「期盼已久的彌賽亞」
Sunday, November 26, 2023, | 7:30 pm
Evangelical Chinese Bible Church 5110 Marine Drive, Burnaby, BC
This concert featuring G.F. Handel’s oratorio “Messiah” Part one, the most cherished choral work corresponding with Advent, Christmas and the life of Jesus Christ.
Conductor: Kemuel Wong
Piano: Susan Chan
Soprano: Bahareh Poureslami | Alto: Yenny Lee
Teor: Gabriel Chona Rueda | Bass: Liam Robertson
VOS Chorus & Chamber Orchestra
VOS Chamber Singers
G.F. Handel’s “Messiah” Part one, the most cherished choral work corresponding with Advent, Christmas and the life of Jesus Christ.and Hallelujah Chorus. Other repertoires include favorite sacred choral selections sung in English and Chinese:
Dan Forrest – “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”
Adolphe Adam – “O, Holy Night”
Peter P. T. Kam– “His Love Endures Forever” 永遠長存
Pak Lun Yeung– “Because of Love” 是因着愛
Larry Shackley– “Christmas Day in the Morning”
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
June 11 2023
VOS & Finnish Bethel Church Jointly Present – Let All Creature Praise
Sunday, June 11, 2023 | 5-6 pm
Finnish Bethel Church
1920 Argyle Drive, Vancouver, BC
Co-presented by VOS and Finnish Bethel Church, join us for this spring concert “Let All Creature Praise”.
Concert featuring favorite hymns and other sacred choral works including:
Franz Josef Haydn – “The Heavens are Telling”
Mark Hayes – “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
Mary McDonald – “Great is Thy Faithfulness”
John Rutter – “For the Beauty of the Earth”
Ralph vaughan Williams– “Let All The World in Every Corner Sing”
David Squires – Garden of the Shepherd | The Peace of God
Conductor: Kemuel Wong
VOS Chorus & VOS Chamber Singers
Piano: Susan Chano
Message: Pastor Jarno Karjanlahti
Free admission | No tickets required
Enquiries: 604-200-8008 www.vancouveroratorio.org
June 2023
Spring Concert “GARDENS – from Creation to Eternity” 「園中行 – 從創世到永恆」
Sunday, June 4, 2023, | 7:30 pm
Evangelical Chinese Bible Church 5110 Marine Drive, Burnaby, BC
This concert featuring “Gardens”, a contemporary oratorio by Canadian compose, Dr. David Squires. This nine-movement work for soprano, choir and chamber orchestra takes you on a profound spiritual journey that starts from the first garden in the book of Genesis to the ultimate and longed for garden described at the end of the Revelation. Each movement brings together divergent biblical passages illustrating the journey from the life, glory and peace of the created order, through the lament of the exiled wanderers, to the Good Shepherd who is our peace, and His suffering, and to our final promised dwelling place in the Garden of Joy yet to come.
Kemuel Wong: Principal Conductor | Neville To: Associate Conductor
Joel Tranquilla: Guest Conductor
Alison Nystrom: Soprano
VOS Chorus & Chamber Orchestra | VOS Chamber Singers
Members of TWU Klemata Chorale & Gloria Dei Chorale
Piano: Susan Chan | Organ: Cherridinne Chan
“Gardens”, a Christmas Celebration cantata a contemporary oratorio by Canadian compose, Dr. David Squire, and other choral works sung in English and Chinese:
Franz Josef Haydn – “The Heavens are Telling”
Mark Hayes – “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
Mary McDonald – “Great is Thy Faithfulness”
Frank Huang – “Psalms 23” 耶和華是我牧者
Ralph vaughan Williams– “Let All The World in Every Corner Sing”
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
April 2023
PREMIERE CONCERT – “Gardens” – a Sacred Oratorio
Saturday, April 15, 2023 | 7:30pm
Fleetwood Christian Reformed Church
9165 160 Street, Surrey, BC
Trinity Western University Choir is joined by Vancouver Oratorio Society to present David Squires’ “Gardens” – a sacred oratorio. Being a long-time university professor, mentor, worship curator and a composer, Dr. David Squires is Professor of Music in the School of the Arts, Media + Culture at Trinity Western University in Langley BC, Canada. He is deeply influenced by Celtic spirituality and has a special affinity for sacred music, contributing choral anthems and service music for various seasons and special occasions. This nine-movement work for soprano, choir, and chamber orchestra, commissioned by Dr. Joel Tranquilla and Trinity Western University was originally planned to premiere in April 2020 but was delayed due to the pandemic.
Including other works by Mozart, Vivaldi, and Tawnie Olson.
Conductor: Dr. Joel Tranquilla
Soloist: Alison Nystrom
Chamber Orchestra
TWU Chamber Choir and Klemata Chorale
Vancouver Oratorio Society
Tickets are $25 (adults), $22 (seniors), $10 (students), plus tax.
December 2022
VOS 2022 Christmas Concert “Sing Joy to All The World”《普世齊歡唱 》
Sunday, December 4, 2022, | 7:30 pm
Evangelical Chinese Bible Church 5110 Marine Drive, Burnaby, BC
This concert featuring Lloyd Larson “Sing Joy to All the World”, a Christmas Celebration cantata sharing the message of Christmas is one of deep and abiding Joy! It is a message filled with the assurance of God that no matter how difficult the journey may seem; no matter how long and dark the night may be, joy will eventually come. That is the promise of God!
Kemuel Wong: Principal Conductor | Neville To: Associate Conductor
Susan Chan: Pianist | Adrian To: Special Music
Jermyn Wong / Jackie Lam: Narrator
VOS Chamber Singers
VOS Chorus & Chamber Orchestra
“Sing Joy to All the World”, a Christmas Celebration cantata by Lloyd Larson. Other than the cantata, we will also present other Christmas choral works sung in English and Mandarin:
C.P.E. Bach – “Magnificat”
Mendelsohn – “Christus”
Pi-Si Huang – “Psalms of Praise” 讚美的詩篇
Stephen Adams – “The Holy City”
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
June 2022
VOS 2022 Summer Concert “Our Heavenly Father” 天父我神
Saturday, Jun 18, 2022, | 7:30 pm
Fraserview MB Church, 11295 Mellis Drive, Richmond, BC
Celebrate Father’s Day with “Our Heavenly Father”.
This concert featuring Pepper Choplin’s Our Father (A Journey through the Lord’s Prayer), a cantata with such power and meaning, delivers both artistry and ministry. The Lord’s Prayer forms the foundation of this creative worship experience. With highly original music and thoughtful narration, the composer turns a musical presentation into a teachable moment for the choir and congregation alike.
Kemuel Wong: Principal Conductor | Neville To: Associate Conductor
Clara Lam: Soprano | VOS Chambers Singers: Narration
Susan Chan: Pianist
VOS Chamber Singers
VOS Chorus & Chamber Orchestra
“Our Father – A Journey through the Lord’s Prayer”, a cantata composed by Pepper Choplin, as well as sacred choral favorites sung in English and Mandarin.
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
December 2021
VOS 30th Anniversary Celebration Part 4 – “Gloria 榮耀頌”

Please enjoy our 30th Anniversary Celebration last series Part 4 – “Gloria” .
This last series is a playlist with 3 songs, opens with the collaborative recording between Schola Cantorum Emmanuel and VOS Chamber Singers conducted by our honorary advisor and guest conductor the Rt. Rev. Dr. Silas Ng.
The two much anticipated live outdoor recordings from our Burnaby Mountain filming session make up the balance of the playlist.
O Beata Trinitas (O Blessed Trinity)
Music: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Silas Ng: Conductor
Performed by Schola Cantorum Emmanuel and VOS Chamber Singers
Here Am I Lord 主啊,我在這裏
Neville To: Conductor
Recorded live July 10, 2021 at Burnaby Mountain for VOS 30th Anniversary, Burnaby, BC
Kemuel Wong: Conductor
Quartet: Esther Siu: Soprano | Teresa K Lo: Alto | Johnny Kwan: Tenor | Neville To: Bass
Recorded live July 10, 2021 at Burnaby Mountain for VOS 30th Anniversary, Burnaby, BC
November 2021
VOS 30th Anniversary Celebration Part 3 –“Tribute to Past Conductors 懷念已故指揮”

Please enjoy our 30th Anniversary Celebration Part 3– “Tribute to Past Conductors 懷念已故指揮” .
This Part 3 series is specially put together to pay tribute to our two respectful past Conductors:
Maestro Frank Huang 黃飛然老師 , Founding Conductor & Conductor Laureate 桂冠指揮 (1921-2013)
Ellen Ay-Laung Wang王愛倫老師 , Artistic Advisor 藝術顧問 (1969-2017)
Featuring 17 sacred choral selection performed from past concerts conducted by both conductors.
Tribute to Past Conductors 懷念已故指揮
October 2021
VOS 30th Anniversary Celebration Part 2 –“VOS Past Concert Favourites 聖樂精選回顧”

Please enjoy our 30th Anniversary Celebration Part 2 – “VOS Past Concert Favourites 聖樂精選回顧” featuring 19 sacred choral selections performed in our past concerts covering a wide spectrum of repertories.
This is the 2nd of our four series of celebrative videos.”
VOS Past Concert Favourites 聖樂精選回顧
September 2021
VOS 30th Anniversary Celebration Part 1 – “To God be the Glory 榮耀歸與真神”

Please enjoy our 30th Anniversary Celebration Part 1 – “To God be the Glory 榮耀歸與神” featuring Markham Chinese Baptist Church choir as guest performer.
This is the first of our four series of celebrative videos.”
Fanfare and Concertato on “To God Be the Glory”
Arr: Jon Paige and Brad Nix| Words: Fanny J. Crosby
Kemuel Wong, Principal Conductor
April 2021
VOS 2021 Easter Virtual Choir “The Love of God!” 真神之愛

VOS 2021 Easter Presentation
The Love of God 真神之愛
“The Love of God” is arranged by MaryMcDonald, but we chose to sing this song in Mandarin instead. We hope this song can remind us in this Easer “The love of God, how rich and pure, how measureless and strong”!
“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” (1 John 4:9)
Arr: Mary McDonald | Music: Frederick Martin Lehman
Kemuel Wong, Principal Conductor
SusanChan, Pianist
February 2021
VOS Lunar New Year Greetings – 祝福頌 “Song of Blessing”

VOS 2021 Lunar New Year Greetings
祝福頌 –Song of Blessing
Lunar New Year begins is a big celebration among us, VOS have specially prepared a Chinese New Year Warm Wishes video to send God’s blessing to everyone!
God will keep you and take care of you.
God will give you faith and love, give you hope, peace and joy.
May God bless you and keep you, give you peace and joy.
Words 詞: 陳贊一 | Music 曲: 梅廣文
Kemuel Wong, Principal Conductor
Danielle Lee, Pianist
December 2020
VOS Christmas Virtual Choir – “Night of Silence” 平安夜
VOS 2020 Christmas Virtual Choir
Night of Silence 平安夜
Night of Silence is one of our all time favorite Christmas songs by Daniel Kantor and arranged by John Ferguson. We hope this song can lift up everyone’s spirits during this Christmas season.
This beautiful and serene piece combines the expected reflections of the Advent season, with the timeless carol “Silent Night”. It is our prayer that God‘s peace, comfort and hope will rest on you through these words.
Words and Music: Daniel Kantor | Arranged by: John Ferguson
Kemuel Wong, Principal Conductor
Susan Chan, Pianist
October 2020
VOS Virtual Choir – “Praise Ye the Father”當讚美聖父
VOS 1st Virtual Choir Video
Praise Ye the Father 當讚美聖父
2020 has been an unprecedented year, a year full of uncertainty and fear. VOS produced this Virtual Choir Video along with our Chamber Singers to praise our God in times of tribulation.
We want to share this song with everyone and hope that it can encourage people to trust God’s sovereignty in the midst of our troubled time and to lift up our spirits
Words: Edwin Othello Excell | Music: Charles Gounod
Kemuel Wong, Principal Conductor
Emily Wong, Pianist
VOS Oratorio Society & VOS Chamber Singers
December 2019
VOS Christmas Concert: “My Soul Magnifies the Lord” 我心尊主為大
Sunday, Dec 8, 2019 | 7:30 pm
Fraserview MB Church, 11295 Mellis Drive, Richmond, BC
Celebrate this Christmas season with two fantastic oratorio works – Schubert’s Magnificat, the Song of Mary taken from the Bible and excerpts from J.S. Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, a collection of six originally independent cantatas celebrating the joy of Jesus’ birth.
Kemuel Wong: Principal Conductor | Neville To: Associate Conductor
Esther Siu: Soprano | Karina Billesberger: Mezzo-soprano
Lyndon Ladeur: Tenor | Zainen Suzuki: Baritone
Sheldon Leung: Pianist | Libby Yu: Guest Pianist
Angelique Po: Organist
VOS Youth Singers
VOS Chorus & Chamber Orchestra
Franz Schubert: Magnificat in C major, D.486 | J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 (excerpts)
& sacred Christmas favorites: Good Christian Men Rejoice | Ding! Dong! Merrily On High | Wexford Carol | Night of Silence | Three Festive Carols for Christmas
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
November 2019
VOS Christmas Concert: “My Soul Magnifies the Lord” 我心尊主為大
Sunday, Nov 24, 2019 | 5-6:30 pm
19twenty Church, 1920 Argyle Dr. Vancouver
“Co-presented by VOS and 19twenty Church, join us for this celebrated concert featuring sacred choral and Christmas favorites, as well as excerpts from Schubert’s Magnificat and Bach’s Christmas Oratorio. Members of VOS and 19twenty Church will share the stage bringing wonders and warmth of this Christmas season to our audience.”
Kemuel Wong: Principal Conductor
Neville To: Associate Conductor
Susan Chan | Rebecca Cheng: Pianist
Gospellers: Guest Quartet
Franz Schubert: Magnificat in C major, D.486 (excerpts) | J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 (excerpts)
& sacred Christmas favorites: Good Christian Men Rejoice | Ding! Dong! Merrily On High | Wexford Carol | Night of Silence | Three Festive Carols for Christmas
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
August 2019
VOS Vocal Workshop 聖樂公開講座:”蒙悦納,牧養人的聖樂事奉”
Jointly presented by Vancouver Oratorio Society & Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Free Church
Saturday, August 10 2019 | 9:30am – 4pm
Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Free Church
温哥華華人播道會 , 3295 E Broadway, Vancouver BC
講員:蔣慧民 合唱團指揮/詩班指揮/音樂總監
粵語主講 名額有限
費用:$5 (包簡便午餐)
報名及查詢:604-200-0867 或 voschorus@gmail.com
June 2019
VOS Toronto Concert Tour: “Most Beautiful Blessing”
Wednesday, June 19, 2019 | 10-11 am
Richmond Hill Christian Community Church 城北華人基督教會 , 9670 Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill, ON
Friday, June 21, 2019 | 2:30 -3:30 pm
Richmond Hill Christian Community Church 多倫多以馬內利堂 , 1036 McNicoll Avenue, Scarborough, ON
Spring is a season of joy and love. Through close collaboration with local Chinese churches, VOS is excited to launch an outreach concert tour in June sharing beautiful music with the audience of Toronto. Repertoires include familiar and easy listening popular sacred selections to be sung in Cantonese and Mandarin.
Kemuel Wong | Neville To: Conductor
Danielle Lee: Piano
好歌獻給你 | 野地的花 | 我要唱那最美的歌 | 同路人 | 給懷疑的你 | 這一生最美的祝福 | 一點燭光 | 祝福
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
“Voices of the World” Presented by Kindred Spirits Orchestra in partnership with HKOS & VOS
Saturday, June 22, 2019 | 8 pm
Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts, 10268, Yonge St. Richmond Hill, Ontario
The Kindred Spirits Orchestra (KSO) of Toronto unites with the voices of the Hong Kong Oratorio Society and the Vancouver Oratorio Society for an exclusive concert featuring two ostentatious works. Russian composer Alexander Scriabin’s six-movement Symphony No. 1, a lush and dramatic work, concludes with a grandiose chorus and soloist praising the power of Art in a graceful prose penned by the composer himself. Expressly written for this very concert, renowned Chinese composer Chan Wing-wah bestows KSO the honor of the world premiere of Symphony No. 9 for soloists, two choirs and orchestra.
Kindred Spirits Orchestra | Kristian Alexander – KSO Music Director
Hong Kong Oratorio Society | Chan Wing-wah – HKOS Music Director
Vancouver Oratorio Society | Kemuel Wong – VOS Conductor
Stephanie DeCiantis – Mezzo-Soprano | Ryan Downey – Tenor
Chan Wing-wah – Symphony No. 9 for choir, soloist & orchestra (world premiere)
Alexander Scriabin – Symphony No. 1 for choir, mezzo-soprano, tenor & orchestra
“Great is Thy Faithfulness” Presented by Markham Chinese Baptist Church with VOS
Sunday, June 23, 2019 | 7:30 pm
Markham Chinese Baptist Church , 9580 Woodbine Avenue, Markham, ON
Join VOS in this unique concert with choirs of Markham Chinese Baptist Church featuring favorite sacred hymnals, sung in Mandarin and English. Enjoy this evening filled with voices united in soaring melodies of both familiar and new.
Kemuel Wong, Neville To: Conductor
An-lun Huang: Guest Conductor
Danielle Lee: Piano
Vancouver Oratorio Society
MCBC Adult Choir/Children’s Choir
Mark Hayes – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Gilbert Martin – When I survey the Wondrous Cross
Joseph Martin – And Can It Be
Mark Hayes – It Is Well With My Soul
Mary McDonald – Great Is Thy Faithfulness
An-lun Huang 黃安倫 – Psalm 150
楊伯倫 – 是因著愛 and more….
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
June 2019
VOS 2019 Spring Concert: “ A Psalm For Our Time”
Fraserview MB Church, 11295 Mellis Drive, Richmond, BC
Join guest conductor Maestro Joel Tranquilla while he unifies the listeners in presenting distinctive variety of contemporary selections by Canadian composers, the texts being taken from the book of Psalms. These beautifully orchestrated works are surely inspiring, powerful and transformational
Kemuel Wong: Conductor
Dr. Joel Tranquilla: Guest Conductor | Director of Choral Activities, Trinity Western University
Michael Dirk: Organ | Danielle Lee: Piano
VOS Youth Singers
VOS Chorus & Vancouver Pops Orchestra
Michael Conway Baker – A Psalm For Our Time | Timothy Corlis – Psalm 150
an-lun Huang 黃安倫– Psalm 150 | Imant Raminsh – Psalm 130
& other favorite sacred selections – It is well with my Soul | Praise to the Lord , the Almighty | The Church’s One Foundation and more …..
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
May 2019
VOS Youth Singers Inaugural Concert
Sunday, May 5, 2019| 7:30 pm
Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church, 2733 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, BC
Through a diverse repertoire and a cappella singing, this carefully balanced ensemble choir of fifteen singers proudly present an evening of uplifting and delightful music. It will surely be a heart-warming and affirmative concert!
Kemuel Wong: Conductor
VOS Youth Singers
Special Music:
Award-winning cellist Eileen Tian performing Taiwanese folk melodies
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
Vancouver Bible Conference 溫哥華研經培靈會
Sunday, April 28, 2019| 7:30 pm
Evangelical Chinese Bible Church (ECBC), 5110 Marine Drive, Burnaby
Presentation at Vancouver Bible Conference 大温哥華研經培靈會
VOS full chorus is delighted to participate in the 4-day bible conference by presenting two hymnals on the last day – “The Children of God how blessed you are 上帝的兒女何等有福” and “The Church’s One Foundation”.
Conductor: Kemuel Wong | Pianist: Danielle Lee
Conference Speaker: Rev. Dr. Stephen Lee 李思敬博士
基督教大溫哥華華人教牧同工團契 主辦 2019年 溫哥華研經培靈會
星期日分題: 使徒傳承的教會
November 2018
VOS 2018 Winter Concert – “A Celebration of Faith”
Sunday, November 18, 2018 | 7:30 pm
Fraserview MB Church, 11295 Mellis Drive, Richmond, BC
Originally commissioned for the 300th anniversary of Charles Wesley’s birth, this cantata “Testament of Praise – A Celebration of Faith”, arranged by Joseph M. Martin, contains beautiful arrangements of Wesley’s treasured hymns, along with original settings of some of his most inspiring lyrics. The legacy of praise is an important element as the work unfolds and celebrates the gift of worship in the life of the church.
Kemuel Wong: Conductor | Sze Lok Wong: Guest Pianist
Danielle Lee: Piano | David Poon: Organ
VOS Youth Singers | VOS Chorus & Orchestra
Charles Wesley/Joseph Martin: Testament of Praise – A Celebration of Faith
Hymns include: Voices of Praise | Love Divine All Loves Excelling
Thankful for our Every Blessings | Jesus, Lover of My Soul, | And Can it be
& sacred selections by Canadian, American, & British composers:
Thomas Chisholm – Great is Thy Faithfulness
John Stainer – God So Loved the World
Huang An-lun – Psalm 8 (A Cantata of 3 Movements)
Larry Nickel – Jesus Shall Reign
Matthew Bridges – Crown Him with Many Crowns
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
November 2018
VOS 2018 Seattle Concert – “How Majestic is Your Name in all the Earth” 祢的名在全地何其美!
Join the VOS Chorus and Youth Singers to this distinctive concert tour in Seattle and enjoy an evening of beloved hymns by Canadian, American and British composers – a concert that will resound with joy that you won’t forget! Two presentations at Sunday Services to refresh your favorites!
Saturday, November 10, 2018 | 7:30 pm
First Taiwanese Presbyterian Church 第一台灣基督長老教會
3605 84th Avenue, SE, Mercer Island WA 98040
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Evangelical Chinese Church of Seattle 西雅圖證道堂
* Redmond Campus: 9:30 am (Mandarin Service) 17360 NE 67th Ct, Redmond, WA 98052
* Seattle Campus: 11:00 am (Mandarin Service) 651 NW 81st St. Seattle, WA 98117
Kemuel Wong: Conductor | Neville To: Associate Conductor
Danielle Lee: Piano | VOS Youth Singers
Favorite hymns by Canadian, American and British Composers:
Psalm 8, Op. 74 (A Cantata of 3 Movements) | Trusting Jesus | God So Loved the World
Great is Thy Faithfulness | Love Divine All Love Excelling | What a Friend We Have in Jesus
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross | And Can it Be | Crown Him with Many Crowns…. and more
Free Admission, No Ticket Required
June 2018
Father’s Day Appreciation Concert
Sunday, June 17, 2018 | 5-6:30 pm
19twenty Church, 1920 Argyle Dr. Vancouver
Join us as we celebrate this special Father’s Day in an appreciation concert featuring a distinctive variety of sacred choral hymnals based on Psalms. The vibrant beautiful melodies and favorite psalm lyrics are sure to warm up your hearts!
Danielle Lee: Piano
Angela Kwan: Organ
Kemuel Wong: Conductor
VOS Youth Singers
VOS Chorus
May 2018
VOS 2018 Spring Concert: Psalms of my Soul
Sunday, May 27, 2018 | 7:30 pm
Bethany Baptist Church, 22680 Westminster Hwy, Richmond, BC
Psalm 23 holds a special place in the lives of believers. This cantata by Pepper Choplin describes the celebrative journey we travel as the sheep with the shepherd in experiencing God’s love, blessings, providence and eternal home. Meet us for an evening focusing works based on Psalms – from classical to contemporary, well known to newly arranged selections.
Esther Siu: Soprano | Neville To: Baritone | Johnny Kwan: Tenor
Danielle Lee: Piano | Angela Kwan: Organ
Janice Kim, Winfried Rompf: Special Music
Kemuel Wong: Conductor
VOS Youth Singers
VOS Chorus & Chamber Orchestra
Pepper Choplin – Psalm 23, A Journey with the Shepherd
Haydn – The Heavens are Telling | David Yeung (楊伯倫) – 詩篇23篇 (Psalm 23)
Heavenly Melody – 感恩歌 (A Song of Thanksgiving) | Sibelius – Be Still, My Soul
Allitsen – The Lord is My Light | Pote – I Lift up Mine Eyes
Ippolitov-Ivanov – Bless the Lord, O My Soul | Aguiar – Salmo 150
Mendelssohn – Psalm 42 | Larson – Lord, You have been our Dwelling Place
April 2018
Vancouver Bible Conference 溫哥華研經培靈會
Sunday, April 29, 2018 | 7:30 pm
Evangelical Chinese Bible Church (ECBC), 5110 Marine Drive, Burnaby
Presentation at Vancouver Bible Conference
We are honored to participate in the 3-day Vancouver Bible Conference organized by Vancouver Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship (VCEMF). We look forward to sharing two hymnals related to missions on Sunday, April 29.
Theme of Conference: “Living a Christ-centered life” Subtitle on Sunday: “Accomplishing the missions on Mount Olive”
基督教大溫哥華華人教牧同工團契 主辦 2018年 溫哥華研經培靈會
分題: 履行橄欖山上的使命
November 2017
Sunday, November 26, 2017 7:30pm
Fraserview MB Church, 11295 Mellis Drive, Richmond
This year 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of Christian Reformation and Canada’s 150th anniversary. To commemorate this significant milestone, the Vancouver Oratorio Society joins conductors Kemuel Wong and Rt. Rev. Dr. Silas Ng in presenting Josef G. Rheinberger’s “The Star of Bethlehem” and other all-time Christmas selections by prominent Canadian composers.
Rheinberger’s The Star of Bethlehem, a cantata composed in 1890 for two soloists (soprano and baritone), chorus, organ, and orchestra, is a lovely, grand and charming work which recounts the biblical story of the birth of Christ and the subsequent visit of the shepherds and the three magi to the stable. The original text was in German and will be sung in English.
Josef G. Rheinberger’s – The Star of Bethlehem
Joseph M. Martin – Our Heritage of Faith
Stuart K. Hine – Then Sings My Soul
David P.L. Yeung – Because of Love
Larry Nickel – No Room
Stephen Chatman – selections from Carols of the Nativity
Sing-along carols
Kemuel Wong: Conductor | Silas Ng: Guest Conductor
Bahareh Poureslami: Soprano | Neville To: Baritone
Jonathan Ng: Piano | Jane Woo Lim Kim: Organ
VOS Youth Singers | VOS Chorus & Orchestra
A Prelude to Christmas – The Star of Bethlehem
Sunday, December 3, 2017 7:30-9pm
Immanuel Baptist Church, 109 East 40th Avenue, Vancouver
Soloists: Esther Siu – Soprano
Neville To – Baritone
Meet the VOS for a concert celebrating the Christmas season with all-time sacred selections. Our conductor Kemuel Wong will lead the VOS Chorus and Youth Singers in the music of Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger, Stephen Chatman, Larry Nickel and favorite carols for all to sing. Free Admission.
Caroling at Care Home
Tuesday, December 5, 2017 2-3pm
Arbutus Care Home, 4505, Valley Drive, Vancouver
Join the VOS small group for an afternoon of sharing the nativity story with the seniors in singing traditional carols galore.

China Graduate School of Theology (CGST) Night ( 中神之夜培靈會 )
Sunday, October 15, 2017 7:30-9:30pm
Fraserview MB Church, 11295 Mellis Drive, Richmond, BC
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Luke Cheung (張略牧師)
Topic: Living in this era of panic (活在這恐慌的年代)
VOS is privileged to be invited to present two songs at this Evangelical Meeting.
Canada Day Celebration with Voices Together
Saturday, July 1, 2017 5-7pm
Pacific Coliseum at PNE –100 North Renfrew St. Vancouver
VOS is invited by Voices Together to participate in the July 1 Canada Day Celebration Event.
Voices Together 2017 is a free gathering of believers from all over the Lower Mainland at the Pacific Coliseum for Canada Day 150. Not only will we celebrate the 150 years that the Lord has kept us ‘Glorious and Free’, but we will lift high the Name of Jesus in worship, thanksgiving, and prayer to One God, as One Church together with One Voice.
The Greater Vancouver Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Rogers Arena
VOS is invited by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada to participate in the Greater Vancouver Festival of Hope Event.
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada wants to offer Greater Vancouver Area residents something that will satisfy their deepest longings—a relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Festival of Hope is a multi-phase initiative spread over several months that includes prayer, training, Community Action Projects, and many opportunities for evangelism.
The ministry culminates with a three-day festival from March 3 to 5, 2017 at the Rogers Arena. Intended to draw thousands of people to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, each evening will feature Christian musicians, testimonies, and the Gospel message from Franklin Graham. This is a non-ticketed event with free admission.
Live Symphony Performance at Burrard Landing
Friday, Aug 7, 2015, at 7-9:30 PM
Vancouver Oratorio Society is very privileged to be invited by the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra to perform at the Live Symphony Concert at Burrard Landing, Jack Poole Plaza on Friday, Aug 7, 2015, at 7-9:30 PM
Join the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra and special guests for a beautiful summer evening overlooking Coal Harbour towards the North Shore Mountains and Stanley Park.
Free and family-friendly!
Conductor: Maestro Ken Hsieh
Guest Chorus: Vancouver Bach Choir, Vancouver Oratorio Society
“Spring Fantasy” Concert
Saturday, March 29, 2014 7:30pm
Michael J. Fox Theatre
7373 MacPherson Avenue, Burnaby
Vancouver Oratorio Society is very privileged to be invited by the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra Society to perform at their concert “Spring Fantasy”: featuring music by Beethoven, Haydn and new Composer-In-Residence World Premiere Commission, Trevor Hoffmann, along with the award-winning Canadian piano soloist Wayne Weng.
Our Music Director, Frank Huang, has rested peacefully into the arms of the LORD on September 18, 2013.
A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, October 19, 2013 at 2 pm at Chown Memorial & Chinese United Church 3519 Cambie Street, Vancouver.